There are far too many single-use containers in circulation, even though they are compliant with the City of Montreal’s legislation that has banned certain single-use plastic items. In light of these wasteful excesses, it’s important that we reconsider our restaurant, shopping, ordering and delivery habits.
Businesses are instrumental in relaying best practices—which is why this collective effort can’t be carried out without you. Not to mention your customer base, whose sensitivity and receptiveness to changing habits makes their participation all the more crucial.
We’ve created this guide to help you better understand how to prioritize the use of reusable dishware and containers. We have everything to gain: a sustainable and visionary city, a population that is proud to live in it, and a healthier wallet and planet.
Together, let’s make the change to reusable dishware and containers!
Reusable dishware refers to all items used to wrap, hold and mix food or drink items and that can be returned to a business to be reused multiple times. The lifespan of these items will depend on what they’re made of (stainless steel, plastic, glass, etc.), as well as how they’re used, maintained (wash cycles), and stored, etc.
A reusable container used at least 30 times has a minimal impact on the environment and is a more eco-responsible option than most single-use, compostable or recyclable packaging items! ACV Study, La vague
When ordering your items :
For your food options :
For your customers :
This guide was produced in partnership with the City of Montreal.